Basic Range Safety Rules

Whether you’re a seasoned shooter or a novice, incorporating regular visits to the shooting range should be part of your training routine. Responsible gun owners understand that the ability to shoot well and handle firearms safely are perishable skills.

At Bench Rest Rifle Club of St Louis, eye protection and ear protection are required at all times during live fire on any range.

There are a common set of rules that are universal when it comes to firearm safety. These rules should be applied whenever you handle a firearm and must certainly be adhered to when visiting our facility. These general gun safety instructions can significantly help you prevent negligent discharge at the range. In addition to these rules are Bench Rest Rifle Clubs current Safety Plan. This outlines the current general rules as well as Range specific rules. Click on the image to view the full Safety Plan.

1. Treat all the firearms as if they are loaded

By treating every firearm as if it is loaded, a habit of safety is developed.

2. Always keep the firearm pointed in a safe direction

A “safe direction” means that the gun is pointed so that even if an accidental discharge occurred, it won’t cause an injury.

3. Always keep your finger off the trigger until you are on target and ready to shoot

Rest your finger outside the trigger guard or along the side of the gun until you are actually ready to fire.

4. Always know your target and what is beyond

For outdoor shooting, make sure you have an adequate backstop for your bullets to impact. Know what’s beyond that backstop, too, and keep your shots within the safe shooting zone.