Mid-Range Precision Rifle

January 22, 20252 Days

Learn to place consistent, accurate shot groups up to 600 yards

Mid- Range Class Overview

  • Equipment requirements for mid-range shooting
  • Basics of shooting at distance
  • Accounting for drop
  • Accounting for wind
  • Ballistic programs and cards
  • Rifle and scope set-up
  • Shooting positions and fundamentals
  • Rifle maintenance and break-in
  • Testing your system: live fire and vapor trail demonstration
  • BRRC Mid-Range Qualification Procedures

NOTE:  You will not be qualifying during this class, but by the end of the class you will have all the tools to qualify and you will be shooting to 600 yards by noon on Sunday, if your “system” is up to the task.
You will be shooting both days, so you will need your rifle and ammo on the first day. Lunch break will be only 45 minutes, so bringing your lunch is recommended as it is too far to get to a restaurant. Class starts at 8:00 AM both days, please arrive a little early. Day 1 should end around 5:30 PM, Day 2 should be done by 12:00 noon.

Mid- Range Class Prerequisites
No prerequisites except that you are a safe and competent rifle shooter with a good attitude and appetite for learning.

Mid- Range Class Equipment Requirements


  • consistently capable of 1″ groups (~1 MOA) at 100 yards, 2 MOA bare minimum
  • zeroed at 100 yards prior to the start of the course


  • must have target or tactical turrets with numbered and audible adjustments
  • BDC turrets are not recommended and hunting turrets are completely unsuitable
  • capable of dialing elavation to 600 yards from 100 yard zero
  • Minimum 10x magnification
  • Parallax adjustable
  • bring owner’s manual if available
  • bring tools for loosening/zeroing the turrets


  • match or premium grade; factory or reloads
  • all ammo must be the same load and the exact ammo the rifle is zeroed for
  • 60 rounds minimum; 100 rounds recommended


  • tripod, bipod, sandbags or similar
  • lead sled is highly discouraged


  • must be available on portable device or phone; PC based will require print outs
  • suggestions include: Hornady 4DOF, Ballistic AE, Shooter, and Applied Ballistics


  • eye and ear protection are required
  • weather appropriate gear and clothing
  • notepad with pen/pencil
  • shooting mat recommended for prone shooters
  • calculator, tape measure, and black marker needed for homework at end of day 1